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  • Safety
  • Security
  • Performance Driven
  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Professionalism

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+255 764 512 646



Specializing In Transportation Of Bulk
Petroleum Products.

Say Trucks Company Ltd is a transporting company specializing in the transportation of bulk petroleum products. We deliver fuel products from Dar-Es Salaam Port to the landlocked countries and the neighboring States of the East and Central African region in fulfillment of contractual agreements with the fuel buyers.

The Company has a team of experts with long experience in the fuel field.

Say Trucks Management Team practices Integrated Management System (IMS) to manage risks that Say Trucks faces related to People, Assets, environment, and Reputation:

The system is a structured framework of direction, processes, and methodologies for the organization to ensure activities result in consistent and desired outcomes. They are further influenced by external regulatory requirements and agreements governing the structure and affairs of a company, whilst encouraging continuous improvement in performance.

The System is designed to describe the direction, processes, and methodologies that Say Team uses to manage and control risk while delivering the promises its customers make. We Plan, Do, Check, and Act.


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Aircraft Fuels

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23 +

Succsessful Customers


Business Principles

No company can exist without controls. Say Trucks business, functions effectively because there are some clear and well thought framework of controls for our organization.

The company’s Vision, Mission and Values, sets out the expectations on how we are required to perform as individuals and as a company. Our Values lies in the notion that safe operations and acting in a responsible manner while delivering planned results is an essential part of our Core Values that aligns with the vision of the company. With SAY, we mean

Safety First

Agility in Delivery

Your Trusted Partner



Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality

The purpose and scope of our HSSEQ shall enable the company to monitor compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements, industry standards and any other standards that may be specified by the organization so as to ensure safe, secure and environmental friendly Transportation of the Fuel Products to our esteemed Customers;

Through a combination of the internationally recognized Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 our HSSEQ Management System shall:

  • Identify actual and potential safety and environmental hazards,
  • Ensure remedial actions necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety is implemented and provide continued monitoring and regular assessment of the safety level achieved.



The Vehicle Owners on
The Roads

Say Trucks Management Team believes that there is a very big difference between the ignorant and the educated person. The company has therefore exerted its effort in Training its Drivers and conducting for them some differing capacity-building sessions and seminars.

The company has invested heavily in stringent training programs to certify all drivers and the maintenance Team by equipping them with the right tools and the necessary skills for running a Safe and smooth transportation.